Students Grievance Cell

Members of Students Grievance cell:

  •  Dr. Monoranjan Bhowmik, Principal–Chairperson
  • Dr.Sujit Samanta–Member(Coordinator)
  • Dr.Sutapa Biswas, Assistant Professor–Member
  • Sri Indrajit Kundu, Office Staff-Member
  •  Special Invitee(Outside College)
  •  Special Invitee (Student Representative)

Download: Sample Application Form

Minutes of Meeting:

  1. Proceedings of the meeting held on 30.08.2018
  2. Proceedings of the meeting held on 24.01.2019
  3. Proceedings of the meeting held on 12.03.2020
  4. Proceedings of the meeting held on 22.06.2021
  5. Proceedings of the meeting held on 05.08.2021