-----------Geography Lab------------
Geography lab plays a pivotal role in enriching geographical base of a student- a necessary part of learning that exposes students to full spectrum of disciplinary subfields- physical, human and nature-society geography as well as geographical techniques. The lab is well equipped with a series of maps, topographic sheets and variety of survey equipments like tracing table, thermometers, barometer, magnetic compass, indicator and wet and dry bulb thermometers. Field trips are organised for the students to study the natural occupancy of various facts and inform about physical changes with the help of Global positioning system and Geographic information system available on Net. Geography Lab specializes in the development of qualitative and quantitative research skills in college.
- Thermometer (Indoor/Outdoor)
- Wet and Dry Thermometer
- Barometer
- Bulb: Hygrometer
- Binocular
- Magnifying Glass
- Compass
- Protector
- Geometry Box
- Levelling(Spirit level)
- Globes
- Rocks in small box
- Mineral (Small)
- Scale
- Ranging Rod
- Optical Square
- Barometers
- Soil Kits
- Maps Big and Small
- Toposheets
- Tracing Table
- Old Maps
- Almirah
- Green Board
- Models
- Model (3D)
- Charts
- Computer
- Calculator
- Chain
- Fibre glass Tape 30 mt