Objectives & Goals
The objectives of the college are:
- To prepare an individual to meet the challenges of the life.
- To develop an understanding of the principles of pedagogy and its application to curriculum transaction and evaluation.
- To bring professionalism in teacher education by improving upon teaching practices in the surrounding area.
- To inspire for life-long learning and for reaching the unreached.
- To enable the students to live in harmony in the profession and community.
- To provide for leadership skills among the nation builders of tomorrow.
- To enable leadership for better future.
- To provide an environment to train teachers who are qualitatively superior and morally upright.
- To develop skills among the trainees in order to integrate with existing education system with ease.
- To develop reflective practitioners of teaching learning process.
- Achieving a modernised and dynamic outlook along with the golden tradition and cultural heritage of our country.
- Acquiring the philosophy of developing human resources with an ethical and value based mind set of sustainable development.
- Adopting the motto “Think Globally, Act Locally”.