16.09.22: E-Tender for construction of 2nd floor of block-B
Ref. No. VTTC/ NIT- 01/22-23 Dated : 16/09/2022
Online Bids are invited on behalf of “Vidyasagar Teacher’s Training College, Midnapore” Sealed Tender from reputed and experienced eligible contractor.
Name of the work:- Vertical Extension Second Floor Over Existing First Floor Of Block B
Tender ID:- [VTTC/NIT-01/22-23] [VTTC/NIT-01/22-23][2022_DHE_404448_1]
———-For more details bidders are requested to visit https://wbtenders.gov.in
To all the students (2021-2023) are here by informed to deposit 1st semester exam fees Rs. 500/- within 09.02.22 either through online or in college office.
To all the students (2020-2022) are here by informed to deposit 2nd semester exam fees Rs. 500/- within 10.12.21 either through online or in college office.
09.11.21: Tender for Renovation of College Boundary
Ref. No. NIT No. 02/11/2021 Dated : 09/11/2021
Vidyasagar Teachers’ Training College invites Tender for renovation of college boundary. All relevant details of the advertisement, eligibility, terms and conditions, scope of work etc. are available in college website www.vttcollege.org.in.
Form Fill up Notice
This is to informed to the students of 1st semester (2020-2022) that FORM FILL Up for 1st Semester Exam will on 27.10.2021 (11 AM to 2PM) at college office. FORM FILL UP fees is Rs.500/- (Five hundred). Ist Sem Exam will be held as per university Exam Schedule.
31.08.21: 3rd and 4t Semester Mark Sheet Distribution
This is to inform to all the students that the 3rd sem and 4th sem mark sheet will be distribute from the college office as per the following schedule between (11 am to 2 pm) with maintaining COVID-19 protocol. Also bring with you- hard copies of Answer Scripts, Library Books for library clearance, Learning Design Copy, Practicums Copy.
- Schedule:
- 03.09.21 College Roll No. 1 to 25
- 04.09.21 College Roll No. 26 to 50
- 06.09.21 College Roll No. 51 to 75
- 07.09.21 College Roll No. 76 to 100